
Conficker Worm  

Posted by SweetPinay in

Are you ready for this? OMG! I first heard about this nasty worm yesterday but I did not believe it until tonight when I read it on yahoo about a minute ago. Hopefully my laptop will not get affected with this said worm. It makes me freak out when yahoo mention about capturing everything you type like for example passwords, credit card numbers, etc. Its almost midnight here in our place, so I guess I will not stay long on the computer I'm gonna shut it down and see what will happen tomorrow when I open it.


Cool Text  

Posted by SweetPinay in



It's almost 2 am and I can't go back to sleep due to the fact that our neighbors are having fun and they have loud voices,Oh well! can't do anything but try to dig again new things in the net. It's been a couple days now that I wanted to learn to make my own blog badge but haven't figured it out yet. Good to know that there is Mr.Google I came up again with another text generator, above is the sample text that I generated from Cool text. My search will not end up here because I still want to know more about making my own badge. If somebody know how to do it teach me please and I will really appreciate it.


Text generator  

Posted by SweetPinay in

While browsing the net I landed with this text generator, for me it was cool because you can just type in the words you want and it will generate the code then you can put it in your Friendster,Myspace,and forums. Give it a try guys and see if you will like it.:)Have a great weekend ahead!


Scammers Get a life!  

Posted by SweetPinay in

I just want to let everybody to be aware of what's going on now a days. Just last night my cousin from Manila was buzzing me on my YM . I can tell that it was a very important buzz so I checked my YM and talk to her. To my surprise she said to me that somebody call at their office and that she have a package and the sender is me. Why on earth somebody is using my name to scam my cousin? OMG!I told her I did not send any package to her and that she need to be very careful not to go anywhere in case the con man will call her again and want to meet in one place. Guys always tell your family not to believe right a way especially if they don't know who are they talking to. Scammers please get a life and don't fool innocent people. The question is why the con man knew my cousins full name?Why they knew me?. Oh well they might be very clever enough to find any info just to con people.


Blog Award  

Posted by SweetPinay in

Name Seven things/person that I love.
1. I love God
2. I love my husband
3. I love my family & relatives.
4. I love to travel
5. I love to collect shoes,purses etc.
6. I love my real friends
7. I love to sing

Thank you so very much dine for this awesome blog award. Passing this to all my friends in blogging.


Cool Flagcounter:)  

Posted by SweetPinay in

I never thought that my blog would make it to so many different countries.Hmmm!I just found out about it this morning. Before going to church I checked my blog and for some reason my attention was lead to my flag counter statistic. To my surprise my blog was viewed by people from about 80 different countries now. Wow! I never thought it would happen. To all my friends,viewers,visitors all over the world thank you so much I really appreciate the time that you took to look at my page.


What's the best Mango for you?  

Posted by SweetPinay in

Mexico Variety Mango

Philippines Variety Mango

Who would agree with me that Philippines have the best Mango? I'm pretty sure Filipino's will agree with me about that.:). Lately I was really craving for Mango but I'm not really buying mango in Walmart because the variety is not too good. To my surprised for the first time I saw a yellow mango in Walmart. I know it will not taste as good as what we have back in the Philippines but I grab some just to satisfy a craving.


Missing some TV series?  

Posted by SweetPinay in

Lately I was fascinated with the TV shows, but I can't watch it during regular hours because my time does not permit from being too busy or tired. But glad to know that there is hulu that offers almost all the popular TV shows. Its really a cool place to browse for old and new TV series and even for movies.



Posted by SweetPinay in

People in the US don't forget to set your time forward,we are about to start our day light saving time. YOhooo! spring time is coming but grrr!gnats are coming out. Hopefully gnats will not bother me this coming spring. Enjoy everyone!


Thank you Guys!  

Posted by SweetPinay in

Without you guys my blog will be boring.:)keep it up!Oh by the way I just added this new widget in my sidebar, Gosh! it took me forever to figure out this widget it's somewhat complicated. Thank you to my Hubby and Lunaticg for the help.